2016年,布魯斯(Bruce Billings)第一次加盟中華職棒,效力於統一獅隊,並在彈力球盛行的那一年,投出了可圈可點的成績,也入選了當年的明星賽。不過,布魯斯最為人所知的,還是他在球隊休息室中寫下了「相信」、「勝利」的話語,鼓舞當時正在為季後賽拚搏的統一獅隊奮力向前,終究取得了季後賽的資格,而他的「相信」、「勝利」也被球團做成了商品,蔚為風潮。在一個難得的機會之下,我取得了訪問布魯斯的機會,就讓我把布魯斯來臺打球、轉任教練、兼職畫家的心路歷程分享給大家吧!跨海來臺謀生路:布魯斯眼中的中華職棒Q1:請問布魯斯,當初你在接獲中華職棒球團聯繫你是否要來這裡打球時,
你當時的心情如何?是否考慮了很久呢?或是有什麼擔心的嗎?Q1:When CPBL clubs connect you if you want to come here , what is your feelings that time? You considered it for a long time? Or worried about something?A1:在我接獲聯繫時,我當時是個自由球員。作為一個棒球選手,只有在球季中才領的到薪水,所以我太太和我正在尋找工作機會。我詢問了周遭的人們關於臺灣棒球的一些事情,並決定抓住這個機會來臺效力。我很高興我來了,這改變了我的生活,以及我對於比賽的看法。A1:At the time I was contacted, I was a free agent in the United States. As a baseball player over there, you only get paid during the season, so my wife and I were looking for job opportunities. I asked around to a couple people about Taiwanese baseball and took a chance to come play. I’m glad I did. It changed my life and the way I thought about the game. 布魯斯在統一時期投球的英姿。圖片來源:運動視界圖庫 Q2:你提到了你來臺之後,對於比賽的想法改變了。關於大聯盟和中華職棒之間的最大差異,你覺得是什麼呢?就我所知,你曾在大聯盟出賽過11局,我猜那應該讓你留下了一些感受吧?請說說兩個聯盟之間的差異吧!Q2:You mentioned about it change your thoughts about games, what is the biggest difference between MLB and CPBL? As I Know, you had ever pitched in MLB for 11 innings, I think it might gave you some feelings. What is the biggest difference between them?A2-1:儘管我只在大聯盟出賽過11局,但我花了數年在3A打滾,在那些年,我面對了許多曾經上過大聯盟,或是後來升上大聯盟的球員。除此之外,我也曾到日本的軟銀隊參加測試,對決過他們的球員,也到過多明尼加投入冬季聯盟的比賽。對我而言,
中華職棒也有一些大聯盟球員,但最大的差異是,當我在大聯盟時,我能夠犯錯的空間是比較小的。大聯盟聚集了許多世界上最棒的球員,因此一直是個高層級的聯盟。A2-1:I may have only pitched in the MLB for 11 innings, but I spent years in AAA pitching against players that were in the MLB and were going to the MLB. Also pitched against hitters from the SoftBank Hawks in a tryout I went to in Japan. And also pitched in the DR for their winter league.The CPBL has players who have played in the MLB, the biggest difference I think is that the window for error is smaller in the MLB. The MLB gets a lot of the best players in the world to keep filling the league as well.Q2-2:能不能請你解釋一下「犯錯的空間較小」是什麼意思呢?是不能發生任何失誤嗎?Q2-2:Could you please explain what is the meaning of "the window for error"? Not allow to make any errors?A2-2:在大聯盟,選手們所犯的錯誤更容易遭來巨大的惡果。當你投了一顆失投球,或是出現守備失誤……。那個容錯率是較小的。如果我投了一個失投球,打者更有可能狠狠地將我痛擊。儘管不是每次都會遭到不好的下場,但確實比較低層級的聯盟來得更容易遭到狙擊。A2-2:Mistakes are capitalized more often. Whether it be making a bad pitch, or making a defensive error… the "window" is smaller. If I make a mistake pitching, the hitter is more likely to hit the ball hard.Not all the time… but more often than the lower levels.Embed from Getty ImagesQ3:確實是如此,畢竟那是世界上最頂尖的聯盟。那麼對於在臺灣的初登板,你還記得當時的狀況嗎?Q3:Yes of course. That is the best league in the world. And how about your first game in Taiwan? Do you still remember?A3:當時我很緊張。我在比賽前總是很緊張,
我投了許多三振,這使我認為我是可以在這個聯盟表現出色的。A3:I was nervous, I always got nervous before I pitched. I wanted to perform well.I pitched in Chiayi against the Monkeys. I remember vividly because the mound in Chiayi back then was very big, soft dirt, and flat. My body hurt in different places than usual after that game.I pitched well, I gave up a home run to Wang Po Jung I believe to right center field on a fastball. I had a lot of strikeouts that day. I remember knowing that I can compete at a high level in this league. 儘管在初登板時,被王柏融轟了一發陽春砲,布魯斯仍然在6局的先發投球中,送出了7次三振,並拿下了勝投。圖片來源:運動視界圖庫 Q4:那麼,對於臺灣的球迷,你有什麼樣的感覺呢?和大聯盟有所不同嗎?Q4:And how about your feelings about Taiwan fans? Any difference to MLB?A4:我熱愛臺灣的人們。臺灣的球迷實在是棒極了!在臺灣打棒球是一件很爽的事情,球員們能夠在球迷面前獻技,是一個很棒的體驗。比賽的張力很高,球迷的吶喊聲很響亮,人們在眼前跳舞、呼口號…….真是夢幻般地享受啊!這讓每場比賽都顯得更為重要,而這是很棒的一件事情。A4:I love the Taiwanese people Bruce. They are great fans. The atmosphere at baseball games in Taiwan is a great experience that the players really appreciate playing in front of. The energy is high, the crowd is loud, the people are dancing and chanting… its fantastic. It makes every game feel more important than it already is. And thats good.「相信」、「勝利」與布魯斯的繪畫生涯Q5:那麼關於當時你寫下「相信」、「勝利」的那件事情,是因為什麼原因呢?Q5:And how about "相信" "勝利"? why you wrote that at that time?A5:當時我們和Lamigo在天母進行季末的三連戰。我們必須三戰全勝,才有機會進入季後賽。我希望我能讓球隊更為專注,並保持正向的態度。所以我畫下了「相信」、「勝利」,讓我們的球隊能夠更專注眼前的事情、眼前的目標。我們成功贏得了那三場比賽。我的生活中一直抱持著這樣的思維,並且認為這對其他人也能帶來影響力。即便是最小的種子,也能長成一顆大樹的。A5:We were playing Lamigo in a 3 game series at the end of the season in Tianmu. We needed to win the 3 games to have a chance at the playoffs Bruce. I wanted to help the team to stay focused and have a positive attitude. So I drew the characters for believe and victory so that the team can have a focus on the task at hand. A goal. We won those 3 games. I have always lived my life with that mindset and thought it would be helpful to others as well. The smallest seeds can make the biggest trees. 透過「相信」、「勝利」,布魯斯讓球隊振奮起來,贏得三連戰。圖片來源:布魯斯提供 Q6:最近記者報導了你在隔離期間貼在臉書上的畫作,你是從什麼時候開始畫畫的呢?Q6:The news reported that you post your drawing on the Fcebook when you were in quarantine, when did you start to draw?A6:我從我很小的時候就開始畫畫了。我會拿我老爹的設計紙來作畫,那些設計紙是用來繪製建築物計劃圖的,而我用那些設計紙來作畫。我的家人很愛我的畫作,而我也透過作畫來取悅他們。所以我持續地作畫。我會畫一些我喜愛的事物、車子,以及超級英雄,然後送給我朋友,因為這很有趣,而且能夠為人們帶來歡樂。我小時候畫了很多蝙蝠俠、忍者龜,以及各式各樣的汽車。透過圖畫,我們可以窺見作畫者的心靈。你可以了解到他們是如何感知事物的。什麼對他們而言是重要的:他們把什麼元素加入了作品當中,又在創作中捨棄掉了什麼元素。這實在是一件很有趣的事情。我喜歡透過這樣的方式觀察其他人的心靈。而且作畫本身需要精細地使用繪圖工具,對於大腦與手部肌肉的運用,都是很好的訓練。而這張圖是我最近畫的,關於我對臺灣棒球的感覺。A6:I started drawing when I was very young. I would get my dads construction paper, big pieces of paper that were for making plans to build things, and I would draw all over them. My family loved my drawings and I loved making them happy. So I kept doing it. I would draw pictures of things I liked, cars and superheroes… give them to friends… just because it was fun and it made people happy. A lot of Batman, Ninja Turtles, and car pictures when I was a kid.It's a window into someone's mind to see their art. You can see how they perceive things. What they find important. What details they add or take away. I think its interesting. It's like seeing inside someone's head. And the fine motor skills of using a pencil or pen is great training for the brain and motor skills.And this drawing was finished recently, about my feeling of Taiwan baseball. 布魯斯透過手繪,畫下了他對臺灣棒球的感覺。圖片來源:布魯斯提供 這張圖是關於「相信」、「勝利」那個夢幻般的時刻。當時我費盡心力結束了第七局的投球,用球數已經破了110球,可能已經接近120球了。觀眾們實在很棒,我們也表現得很好,而我也投得出色。那對我而言是個非常特別的時刻。相信我們會獲勝,拚盡全力專注於此,最終贏得了比賽,那時在棒極了!The moment is connected to the "believe victory" moment. It is me fist pumping after a long at bat to end the 7th inning. I was over 110 pitches, maybe even close to 120. The crowd was great. We played so well. And I pitched well. That moment was very special to me. Believing in Victory, fighting and focusing for it, and achieving it. It was perfect. Q7:最後,能不能請你送給本文的讀者一段簡短的話作為禮物呢?Q7:Finally, could you tell a short sentence to the readers as a gift?A7:當我很小的時候,我的父親告訴我:「無論你選擇過什麼樣的生活,只要你相信你做得到,並努力去完成,那你就能達成目標。」你們應當如此相信著,一直懷抱這樣的信念。希望這篇文章能夠帶給讀者一些啟發。A7:The message my dad told me when I was a young boy. "Whatever you choose to do in life, you can do it if you believe in yourself and work hard." You have to believe, always.Hopefully the article can be inspiring for others. 如果你喜歡我的文章,歡迎追蹤粉專 Psydetective-貓心 ,